TWISTED: College “doula” training teaches students to support women during ABORTIONS, not childbirth
Death-loving leftists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently hosted a workshop on campus for people interested in providing emotional…
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Jackie Fortiér Casi el 90% de los bebés que tuvieron que ser hospitalizados con covid-19 tenían madres que…
While hot-button health care issues such as abortion and the Affordable Care Act roil the presidential race, Democrats…
OAKLAND, California – El paciente tendría poco más de 60 años y era un hombre afroamericano con enfisema.…
OAKLAND, Calif. — The patient was in his 60s, an African American man with emphysema. The oximeter placed…
When Anna Nusslock showed up at her local hospital 15 weeks pregnant and in severe pain earlier this…
The Host When it comes to health care, this year’s presidential campaign is increasingly a matter of which…
A group of California-based researchers investigated connections between people’s online activities and the number of new…
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🍜Sobaman is calling all chefs, bakers, cooks, and anyone who enjoys…