Author: Avisoscuba


Do you remember any of your dreams when you wake up in the morning? Or do you feel frustrated when you can’t recall anything but incoherent fragments? According to a study, eating foods like bananas, fish, and potatoes can help you remember your dreams. The study was spearheaded by experts from the University of Adelaide, and the results showed that consuming foods rich in vitamin B6 can help individuals recall what they dreamed about even after they wake up. Other foods that are full of vitamin B6 include avocado, cheese, eggs, and milk. For five consecutive nights, the participants were given vitamin B6 supplements…

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in three Americans are sleep-deprived. This shocking statistic is believed to be the reason many of us are overweight, practicing unhealthy lifestyle habits, and dying younger. And while the pharmaceutical industry pushes for more chemical drugs that can help us sleep better, a simpler solution might be all that is needed for a restful slumber: turning off our mobile phones. Dr. Sunita Kumar of the Loyola University Medical Center says that simply turning off our phones 30 minutes before sleep could radically affect the quality of our rest. She…

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If you’re planning a base on the Moon, it looks like you have more than just logistics to worry about. Scientists from Stony Brook University have discovered that with prolonged exposure to moon dust, astronauts could end up contracting bronchitis – or worse. The research team, led by Rachel Caston of the Stony Brook University School of Medicine, sought to understand how the Moon’s regolith – the dusty layer that covers its surface – would affect cells from humans and mice. They used live human lung cells and mouse brain cells cultured in a lab as test subjects. Because lunar dust is too valuable and…

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A foreign breed of tick has claimed New Jersey as its own. First discovered on an infected sheep in Hunterdon County last fall, the East Asian or Longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) has since been found in other areas of New Jersey, namely Union County. However, experts warn that it may only be a matter of time before the East Asian tick makes its way westward. Speaking to Today, James Lok, professor of parasitology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, stated that the tick has already managed to migrate from its native Asia to Australia and New Zealand,…

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When it comes to managing one’s weight, it’s known that diet plays a huge role. After all, how big or small you become through weight management depends a lot on what you eat. But did you know that there are a number of other important factors involved as well? Indeed, and your stress levels is just one of them. Now a new study shows great insight into exactly why this is the case. In particular, the study offers the first understanding, on a molecular level, of why people tend to gain weight due to chronic stress, disrupted circadian rhythms, and treatment…

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Thanks to a recent study by California-based chemists, recycled water may become much safer for consumption. The researchers announced that they have tracked down the specific chemical molecule responsible for the creation of a highly potent carcinogen in treated wastewater, according to a ScienceDaily article. Formally known as N-nitrosodimethyalmine, NDMA is a cancer-causing byproduct of the wastewater treatment process. Environmental researchers conducted several studies into the chemical process that created it, but they came up with conflicting results. Unable to agree which finding was the correct one, the experts were unable to recommend an intervention method for adoption. Researchers from the University…

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There’s something to be said about guilty pleasures: You know it’s bad for you, but you go for it anyway. Take fried desserts, for instance. Most people know it’s unhealthy, but they will still flock to state fairs and carnivals for fried chocolate bars and even fried ice cream. However, a study in CyTA – Journal of Food may provide some form of relief: Mixing in oat bran and psyllium husk fiber in the dough before frying them reduces the amount of oil it soaks up. Researchers from the University of Venda in South Africa have tested it by using their own version…

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If there’s one thing you can’t find in regular store-bought milk, it’s the presence of good bacteria – which have been destroyed by pasteurization. However, a study published in CyTa – Journal of Food revealed that fortifying milk with plant products that have been fermented with lactic acid bacteria could improve its nutritional value. The paper, led by researchers from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and the Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology, also added that these newly established products could very well add to the diverse assortment of food products available in the market. Researchers looked at two ingredients in the study…

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A study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that extracts of herbal plants, such as Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Aegle marmelos, and Musa paradisiaca flower, can be used as an anti-aging agents in skin creams and as anti-proliferation compounds against cancer cells. A team of researchers at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering and SRM Institute of Science and Technology in India examined the anti-aging properties and cytotoxicity on cells of the leaf extracts of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, unripe and ripe fruit pulp extracts of Aegle marmelos, and terminal meristem extracts of Musa paradisiaca flower. The research team analyzed the phytochemical contents…

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A study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine has found that Cinnamomum cassia twigs may provide anti-cancer effects. Researchers from the National Institute of Forest Science, Andong National University, and Kyonggi University in South Korea looked at the anti-proliferative effect and the induction of apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells mechanism of C. cassia twigs. The research team used the extracts of Cinnamomum cassia twigs in the study. They assessed the anti-cell proliferative effect of C. cassia twigs through an MTT assay. To evaluate the change of protein or mRNA level by the extracts, they used Western blot and…

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A new study published in the journal Rheumatology has found that menopausal status is linked to a functional decline in women with rheumatoid arthritis. In earlier studies, it has been shown that women with rheumatoid arthritis suffer changes in their disease surrounding reproductive and hormonal life events. Past studies also showed that women who experience early menopause have more chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis in comparison to those who experience normal or late menopause. The authors of the study aimed to evaluate the link between menopause and functional status in women with rheumatoid arthritis by conducting an observational study. In the study,…

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A study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine has examined the effects of the treatment of garcinia cambogia and glucomannan on long-term weight loss in people who are overweight or obese. The study authors found that both treatments reduced weight and improved lipid and glucose blood profiles of the study participants. Researchers from the University of Cordoba in Spain recruited 214 overweight or obese people to participate in the study. The research team administered the study participants with 500 milligrams (mg) of garcinia cambogia and glucomannan twice a day for six months. They also assessed the participants’ weight,…

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Admittedly, many among us dream of pursuing a healthier lifestyle, but only a few are actually willing to go for it. Meanwhile, there are those who have tried and then encountered a setback and no longer have an idea how to get back on track. When it comes to going on a health journey, there really is no shortcut, but we can always count on inspirational stories and helpful tips from experts to guide and motivate us. (h/t to Falling off the wagon, and getting back Getting derailed can serve as our starting point and then we can use these…

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Brain health is on everyone’s minds these days. Even if you haven’t had to deal with the heartbreak of dementia in your family yet, you’ve probably heard just how likely it is that you or someone you love will eventually be hit by it. It’s no surprise, then, that we are constantly being bombarded with news stories about what you can do to protect your brain. Two foods that come up time and time again are blueberries and fish oil, so should you consume both of these every day to avoid dementia? The answer, surprisingly, is no. In a new…

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Researchers from Washington State University (WSU) have proven that it is possible to combine natural remedies with advanced biomedical devices, using curcumin to augment the ability of ceramic bone scaffolds to stimulate bone growth. Susmita Bose, Herman and Brita Lindholm Endowed Chair Professor in WSU’s School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and her team coated 3D printed ceramic bone scaffolds with curcumin, a compound found in turmeric. A bone scaffold is a biomedical tool that allows bone tissue to recover and regrow following disease or an injury. It contains tiny holes in its structure which stimulate and support growing cells. Although artificial, it…

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A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine has established that Cinnamomum cassia, or more commonly known as Chinese cinnamon, has been found to have anti-cancer effects. The study was a collaborative effort from researchers at the National Institute of Forest Science, Andong National University, and Kyonggi University in South Korea. In particular, they took an extract from the twigs of the Chinese cinnamon, which they studied its ability to prevent cell growth and induce cell death (apoptosis) in human colorectal cancer cells. To understand the antiproliferative effect, that is, the ability to inhibit growth, of the extract – as well as the change of…

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Obesity and overweight are serious problems the world over, but a study in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine may have revealed an unlikely ally in garcinia cambogia, with results indicating that it can help in weight loss. The study, led by researchers from the University of Cordoba in Spain, looked at the effects of garcinia cambogia and glucomannan on a person’s weight. In particular, they studied how administering the two can help overweight or obese people lose weight. In the clinical trial, researchers recruited 214 people who were all noted to be overweight or obese. They were then provided with 500 mg of garcinia cambogia…

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If you’re expecting a baby or considering starting a family soon, you’ve probably been reading up on how to give your child the best start in life. You probably wouldn’t dream of lighting up a cigarette or getting drunk while you’re pregnant, but you could very well be doing something that can be quite harmful to your unborn child if you’re being exposed to pesticides. This isn’t a warning that only applies to farm workers; 33 million pounds of organophosphate pesticides were used in the U.S. in 2007 alone, putting countless people at risk. Three studies that examined children from…

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A surprising new study is casting serious doubt on the popular theory that modern animals are the result of millions of years of evolution. After looking at the mitochondrial DNA of thousands of animal species, including humans, researchers reached the stunning conclusion that nearly every species dates back just 100,000 to 200,000 years. The study was carried out by the University of Basel’s David S. Thaler and The Rockefeller University’s Mark Young Stoeckle. According to the conventional narrative of evolution involving adaption based on genetic mutations and survival of the fittest, one would expect older species and those with big…

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Many people will choose to suffer in silence than discuss their problem with hemorrhoids — which is baffling, considering that the condition affects over 20 million Americans. These are also dangerous: Over half of those with hemorrhoids are at risk of these developing into more advanced stages which can cause serious medical conditions. Fortunately, treating hemorrhoids is possible: All it takes is the right diet, an active lifestyle, and some traditional Chinese medicine. Hemorrhoids reflect an unhealthy diet and lifestyle Hemorrhoids, also called piles, refer to the swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum. The condition is similar to…

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When talking about taking care of the body, it’s essential to look at the spine – often, the part of the body that is worked (and overworked) the most. This is true for a lot of people, especially those who don’t take proper precautions while lifting heavy items or sitting down for long periods. Forgetting to take care of the spine can take its toll, with injuries and spondylosis being the usual outcomes. This usually means a trip to the doctor to get pain relief drugs, which often bring a whole new set of side effects. That is, of course,…

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You’ve probably heard this phrase one too many times – how breakfast is “the most important meal of the day.” There’s some truth to the phrase, however, as researchers found that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to gain unwanted weight and have reduced risk of developing dangerous belly fat. Results from a study involving 350 adults showed that those who regularly took their breakfasts only added three pounds in their weight over the past year. Those who sometimes ate breakfast gained five pounds, while those who almost always skip breakfast put on as much as eight pounds, what’s worse…

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