Las sólidas tasas de vacunación infantil, un raro punto positivo de salud en estados complejos, están disminuyendo
Nutrition Synthetic polymer that can kill antibiotic-resistant superbugs developed by researchersBy Avisoscuba0 Nutrition There is a major problem with the rampant use of antibiotic medicine in the world today. In case you haven’t…
Editor’s Picks These foods KILL cancer cells better than chemotherapyBy Avisoscuba0 Editor’s Picks Cancer remains one of the trickiest medical conditions to treat, with no clear solution or completely effective treatment. Because it…
Healthy Food Tomato extracts KILL stomach cancer cells, new study showsBy Avisoscuba0 Healthy Food When you think of cancer-fighting foods, what usually comes to mind? Perhaps you think of turmeric, ginger, or green tea,…