Author: Avisoscuba

Dan Weissmann Caitlyn Mai thought she did everything right. She called ahead to make sure her insurer would cover her cochlear implant surgery. She thought everything went according to plan but she still got a bill for the full cost of the surgery: more than $139,000.  What Caitlyn did next is a reminder of why a beloved former guest once said you should “never pay the first bill.” This episode of “An Arm and a Leg” is an extended version of the July installment of the “Bill of the Month” series, created in partnership with NPR. Dan Weissmann @danweissmann Host and…

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Aug. 22 This week on the KFF Health News Minute: New treatments and vaccines are available for respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, and fentanyl-laced stimulants are driving a new wave of opioid overdose deaths. Aug. 15 This week on the KFF Health News Minute: Fears about social media may cause policymakers to miss the mental health benefits it can provide teenagers, and nursing home residents are missing out on covid shots that could help keep them safe. Aug. 8 This week on the KFF Health News Minute: More women are ending their pregnancies without medical assistance since the fall of…

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Each week, Dr. Kim Puterbaugh sees several pregnant patients at a Cleveland hospital who are experiencing complications involving bleeding or infection. The OB-GYN has to make quick decisions about how to treat them, including whether to remove the dead or dying fetus to protect the health and life of the mother. Leaving in place a fetus that has no chance of survival dramatically increases the chance of maternal infection and permanent injury. But now her medical decisions are complicated by Ohio’s new abortion law, which generally prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy if cardiac activity is detected in the…

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🍜Sobaman is calling all chefs, bakers, cooks, and anyone who enjoys cooking! Our Chef Apps are now open until August 20th, if you are ready to share your recipes with our trusty sobaman, don’t hesitate to apply! 🍩App: Sobaman is calling all chefs, bakers, cooks, and anyone who enjoys cooking! Ou #Sobaman #calling #chefs #bakers #cooks #enjoys #cooking

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🍜Sobaman is calling all chefs, bakers, cooks, and anyone who enjoys cooking! Our Chef Apps are now open until August 20th, if you are ready to share your recipes with our trusty sobaman, don’t hesitate to apply! 🍩App: Sobaman is calling all chefs, bakers, cooks, and anyone who enjoys cooking! Ou #Sobaman #calling #chefs #bakers #cooks #enjoys #cooking

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Bernard J. Wolfson Here we are in the grip of yet another covid-19 surge, yet most people I see out and about are behaving as if the pandemic is over. And I live in Los Angeles County, whose public health department is arguably one of the most vigilant and proactive in the U.S. We all have pandemic fatigue. Even people who should know better have let precautionary measures slide. If you are sensing a mea culpa on the way, I won’t disappoint. I confess I have been far less cautious over the past couple of months than I was early…

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Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to living a life of optimal health and wellness. Dealing with excess weight can lead to serious health conditions and become a burden on vital organs and joints in the body. Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to living a life of optimal health and w #Maintaining #healthy #weight #crucial #living #life #optimal #health

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When Jennifer Lucier and her husband found out they were expecting a baby in 2016, they immediately made three phone calls. The first was to her mother. The second was to her husband’s family. And the third was to the Roper St. Francis Healthcare Learning Center. That last call, she felt, was particularly urgent. Lucier wanted to secure a spot for her unborn infant on the day care’s long waiting list. Lucier works as a cardiovascular ICU nurse for Roper St. Francis Healthcare, the only hospital system around Charleston, South Carolina, that operates a child care center for the children…

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Yay, it’s National Avocado Day & we love this superfood. Avocados are packed with nutrients, fiber, & healthy fat. Try some in a dish at your next TCV stop or pick some up @Randalls_Stores to add to salads, sandwiches, & entrees for home & to-go! 🥑 🥗😋 Yay, it’s National Avocado Day & we love this superfood. Avocados are packed wit #Yay #National #Avocado #Day #love #superfood #Avocados #packed #wit

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Karla Garcia said her son’s social media addiction started in fourth grade, when he got his own computer for virtual learning and logged on to YouTube. Now, two years later, the video-sharing site has replaced both schoolwork and the activities he used to love — like composing music or serenading his friends on the piano, she said. “He just has to have his YouTube,” said Garcia, 56, of West Los Angeles. Alessandro Greco, now 11 and a soon-to-be sixth grader, watches videos even when he tells his mom that he is starting homework, making his bed, or practicing his instrument.…

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DICK’S DESIREDick’s eyes-Soft, cold, a. If ؟? نمشے They all seemed hungry, happy, and healthy enough in 🐦 audience ◥•يارا• ﺧٕٓصٍمٍ•ﻜٕوِدٓ خصم نمشيKM90 DICK’S DESIREDick’s eyes-Soft, cold, a. If ؟? نمشے They all seemed hungry, happy #DICKS #DESIREDicks #eyesSoft #cold #IfنمشےThey #hungry #happy

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August 1, 2022 Julie Rovner, KHN’s chief Washington correspondent, joined PBS NewsHour’s Laura Barrón-López on Friday to discuss Senate Democrats’ proposals to let Medicare negotiate some drug prices, cap out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors and continue funding for enhanced premium subsidies for people buying health insurance on the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces. Republicans and Democrats have been at odds over allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices since the drug benefit was passed in 2003. The plan before the Senate would start with just 10 drugs for price negotiations in the first year, and it would not expand very much. But,…

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Cuando el presidente Joe Biden dio positivo para covid-19 el 21 de julio, su médico le recomendó que tomara el medicamento antiviral Paxlovid, que reduce significativamente la probabilidad de hospitalización o muerte de alguien con alto riesgo de desarrollar covid grave. Biden comenzó el curso de cinco días inmediatamente y, según informó la Casa Blanca, dentro de los seis días dio negativo para el virus y fue autorizado a dejar el aislamiento. El principal asesor médico de Biden, el doctor Anthony Fauci, también tomó Paxlovid cuando contrajo covid en junio, pero pronto volvió a dar positivo por la enfermedad. Entonces…

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สุขสันต์วันเกิด ผู้ที่เป็นแรงบันดาลใจมาตลอด ขอให้มีความสุข และ สุขภาพแข็งแรง ได้ใช้ชีวิตอย่างที่ต้องการ ขอบคุณ และ รักเสมอ 🥰 Happy Birthday The Loveliest woman Stay Healthy & Happy 😉 #Tiffany4EvaYoung #팔월의_시작은_티파니와_함께 สุขสันต์วันเกิด ผู้ที่เป็นแรงบันดาลใจมาตลอด ขอให้มีความสุข และ สุขภาพแข็งแรง ได้ #สขสนตวนเกด #ผทเปนแรงบนดาลใจมาตลอด #ขอใหมความสข #และ #สขภาพแขงแรง #ได

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La línea 988 de National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, que se lanzó el 16 de julio, fue diseñada como una herramienta universal de apoyo a la salud mental para quienes llaman en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar. Pero Estados Unidos es un mosaico de recursos para asistencia en situaciones de crisis, y el nivel de apoyo que reciben las personas que llaman al 988 depende de su código postal. En particular, los residentes de zonas rurales, que mueren por suicidio a una tasa mucho más alta que los de áreas urbanas, a menudo tienen problemas para acceder a los servicios…

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Thank you for your interest in supporting Kaiser Health News (KHN), the nation’s leading nonprofit newsroom focused on health and health policy. We distribute our journalism for free and without advertising through media partners of all sizes and in communities large and small. We appreciate all forms of engagement from our readers and listeners, and welcome your support. KHN is an editorially independent program of KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). You can support KHN by making a contribution to KFF, a non-profit charitable organization that is not associated with Kaiser Permanente. Click the button below to go to KFF’s donation page…

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Can’t see the audio player? Click here to listen on Acast. You can also listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Click here for a transcript of the episode. The Democrats’ on-again, off-again budget bill is apparently on again, and it’s bigger than expected. In a surprise move, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced an agreement with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to expand the scope of the limited health bill that was headed to the Senate floor to also include climate change and some tax increases for corporations and certain wealthy Americans. But…

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Ningún estudioso de la poliomielitis sabía más que Albert Sabin, el científico de la Universidad de Cincinnati polaco-estadounidense cuya vacuna contra la paralizante enfermedad se ha estado utilizando en todo el mundo desde 1959. La vacuna oral de Sabin proporciona inmunidad de por vida. Tiene un inconveniente, que Sabin, quien murió en 1993, se negó ferozmente a reconocer: en casos raros, el virus de la poliomielitis vivo debilitado en la vacuna puede mutar, recuperar la virulencia y causar polio. Esas raras mutaciones —una de las cuales parece haber paralizado a un joven del condado de Rockland, en Nueva York, miembro…

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No one studying polio knew more than Albert Sabin, the Polish-American scientist whose vaccine against the crippling disease has been used worldwide since 1959. Sabin’s oral vaccine provides lifelong immunity. It has one drawback, which Sabin, who died in 1993, fiercely disputed: In rare cases, the weakened live poliovirus in the vaccine can mutate, regain virulence, and cause polio. Those rare mutations — one of which appears to have paralyzed a young man in Rockland County, New York, who belongs to a vaccine-resistant Hasidic Jewish community, officials there reported July 21 — have taken center stage in the global campaign…

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Hospice care, once provided primarily by nonprofit agencies, has seen a remarkable shift over the past decade, with more than two-thirds of hospices nationwide now operating as for-profit entities. The ability to turn a quick profit in caring for people in their last days of life is attracting a new breed of hospice owners: private equity firms. That rapid growth has many hospice veterans worried that the original hospice vision may be fading, as those capital investment companies’ demand for return on investment and the debt load they force hospices to bear are hurting patients and their families. “Many of…

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