Author: Avisoscuba

Death-loving leftists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently hosted a workshop on campus for people interested in providing emotional support for pregnant women – but not for those actually planning to deliver their unborn babies. No, the “Spring Abortion Doula Training” workshop, as it was dubbed, was designed specifically to teach people how to provide emotional support for pregnant women who intend to murder their unborn children with an abortion. A Facebook description of the event reveals that the purpose of the workshop was to teach individuals what it means to be a “doula,” defining this as someone who…

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What do you do to avoid heart disease? Are you eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise? Perhaps your doctor has convinced you to take medications like ACE inhibitors? If you think you’re already doing everything you can for hearth health – or if you’re taking meds and worried about the risk – you’ll want to hear about curcumin’s amazing ability to reduce your risk of experiencing a life-threatening cardiac event. Curcumin is found in turmeric, and it’s what gives this Indian spice its vibrant yellow-orange hue. It’s already known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and lots of studies…

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Baking soda is a kitchen necessity, there’s no doubt about that. Whether you use it for baking, as a natural scrub for pots and pans, or as a deodorizer –the list of ways you can use baking soda in and around the home is truly an endless one. But did you know that baking soda (also known as (sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3) has a variety of medicinal uses, as well? The pantry staple is especially useful for treating conditions like arthritis, but as you may have guessed — baking soda lends itself to a variety of applications across the board, in…

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Big Pharma has gotten away with far too much, for far too long; there is no doubt about that. Whether we’re talking about the plethora of children harmed by reckless vaccination programs, their for-profit disease-manufacturing, or simply just the growing numbers of children and teens on treacherous psych meds, America has become a pawn for profit-seeking industry heads. And sadly, many Americans are too medicated to even see the forest for the trees. Perhaps the biggest sham of all then, is the fact that such a greedy, careless industry has been able to dupe so many people into not only believing…

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According to a study, women can benefit from warm showers, perineal exercises with a ball, or the combination of both strategies during childbirth. The results of the study revealed that these strategies have positive effects, especially when it comes to minimizing any anxiety, pain, or stress that a woman feels during labor. The study, which was published in the International Journal of Nursing Practice, involved a randomized controlled trial. The researchers observed 128 women during childbirth, and the participants were admitted for hospital birth in São Paulo, Brazil, from June 2013 to February 2014. (Related: Confirmed: Exercise during pregnancy yields many benefits for both mother…

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Detecting heart disease is now easier – thanks to a team of researchers at the University of Southern California who have developed a smartphone app that can measure a key risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and arterial stiffness. When the arteries are stiff, they become less elastic and more rigid. In turn, this causes increases in blood and pulse pressure. Apart from being a cardiovascular disease risk factor, it is also linked to other health problems, such as diabetes and renal failure. Available measurement methods for determining arterial stiffness include the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or the use of tonometry.…

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You’ve probably heard of omega-3 fatty acids, but have you heard of omega-7? These are unsaturated fatty acids which are rarely talked about but are really important to your health. This type of fatty acids can be found in certain fish, such as salmon and anchovy, and oils like olive and macadamia. The greatest source of omega-7 is sea buckthorn oil, which comes from a shrub that grows in sandy coasts. Even if you don’t realize it, you may be suffering from an omega-7 deficiency. Here are four warning signs you should be aware of. (h/t to Healthista.) When you have dry…

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Young adults who take a nap during the day perform better in school, according to a study published in the journal Behavioral Sleep Medicine. A team of researchers from the University of Delaware and the University of Pennsylvania looked at the effect of napping during the day on the neurocognitive function in teenagers. In conducting the observational study, the research team measured the midday napping, nighttime sleep duration and sleep quality, and performance on multiple neurocognitive tasks of 368 teenage students in China. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health. During adolescence, a developmental change occurs in their circadian rhythm. The…

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Breast milk is known for the many health benefits it provides babies — but could it hold promise for adults too? New research has shown that human breast milk contains a special protein that can ward off cancer and may even be useful in the treatment of select bacterial infections. While breast milk is generally thought of as just food for infants, it looks like it may soon become the perfect food for fighting cancer, too. Who would have thought? Scientists from the Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectology and Immunology at MedUni Vienna just uncovered…

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It’s not often that you’ll find a Natural News writer defending McDonald’s. After all, we’ve been calling them out for their toxic junk food for years now. Nonetheless, right is right and wrong is wrong, and we always endeavor to highlight the truth, even when that truth happens to vindicate McDonald’s – albeit in only one small way. If you regularly watch documentaries you will almost certainly have seen Morgan Spurlock’s 2004 doccie, Super Size Me. Spurlock became an overnight success with his film which showed the (apparently) devastating results of eating nothing but McDonald’s for 30 days, three times…

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Expectant mothers are quite familiar with the importance of ensuring they get enough folic acid to help prevent birth defects like spina bifida, but it turns out that there’s another group who can benefit greatly from this vitamin: adults with hypertension. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, adults with hypertension who took a combination supplement of folic acid and enalapril noted a 73 percent decrease in their risk of experiencing a first stroke when compared to those who took enalapril on its own. It’s a significant finding when you consider stroke is…

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As more children are being prescribed psychiatric drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, misuse is also on the rise, prompting experts to question why so many kids are being told they need psychiatric drugs in the first place. The journal Pediatrics reports that poison control centers saw more than 150,000 calls related to people younger than 20 being improperly exposed to such meds from 2000 to 2014. Some of the drugs that are commonly prescribed for ADHD include Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta. It’s not surprising when you consider that around 6.1 million children aged 2 to 17 have been diagnosed…

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People who regularly eat peanuts are in for a treat: A study in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism revealed that those who snack on peanuts – in particular, women – significantly cut back on their total snack consumption. In particular, researchers from the University of Adelaide, University of South Australia, and The University of Newcastle arrived at this result after looking at how peanuts, a popular and filling snack item, can affect snacking habits and energy intake in people under a nut-free diet. For the study, researchers involved 61 healthy participants; the group had a mean age of 65 and an average body mass…

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If you think eating healthy throughout the week is enough to warrant you a high-fat cheat day, think again. Scientists report that just having a single high-fat meal is enough for our bodies to be at risk for cardiovascular disease. The study, published at Laboratory Investigation, stated that consuming a meal with a calorie content similar to that of restaurants quickly transforms red blood cells into “small, spiky cells that wreak havoc inside our blood cells.” From their clinical trials, researchers from the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) observed that relatively healthy individuals, after consuming a single milkshake made with…

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In today’s world, where buzzwords rule and people are always looking for the next best superfood, it’s a shame that they’ve overlooked a potential candidate growing right in their lawns. While most consider the burdock as a perennial pest, it’s actually a nutrient-dense plant that offers a lot by way of health-giving benefits. The burdock plant (Arctium lappa), also referred to as the great burdock, is part of the sunflower family. It’s a biennial plant that easily grows regardless of sunshine conditions and thrives in undisturbed areas. The plant is native to the Eurasian continent, where it’s seen almost everywhere,…

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Eggs are sometimes referred to as “nature’s perfect food,” and it’s easy to see why. They’re healthy, easy to digest, and complete, and consuming them can even help you reduce your weight. Full of nutrients like B-vitamins, iron and zinc, they’re also incredibly nutritious. With so many benefits, you’d think everyone would be eating eggs all the time, but they’re not. Unfortunately, many people still believe the myth that eggs raise your cholesterol, even though study after study has shown this isn’t the case. In fact, a new study from the University of Sydney has shown that eating as many…

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Concerns about soon-to-be-everywhere 5g technology (and really, WiFi and cellphone radiation in general) are on the rise. Studies continue to point to a substantial number of health risks associated with exposure to the radio-frequency (RF) radiation and electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation these kinds of things emit. Despite the growing body of research which shows radio-frequency radiation is a human health hazard, the mainstream media and other puppets of the tech industry have been quick to try and shut down the conversation about what kinds of ill effects may await us beyond the gates of wireless technology. But, in the U.S.,…

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Anyone who has received a breast cancer diagnosis will confirm that it is an absolutely terrifying experience. Battling the disease is both physically and emotionally devastating. Winning that battle and entering remission is only the first step on the road to long-term health, however. Knowing just what changes to make to stay cancer-free are vitally important. Johns Hopkins Breast Center warns that the risk of breast cancer recurrence is highest in the first two years of remission, and that no breast cancer patient will ever be out of the woods entirely. Nonetheless, there are positive steps that all of us…

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As stories on the dangers of opioid use continue to come out, researchers have uncovered a potential link between these drugs and increased pain. The findings, presented at the Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, showed that acute traumatic spinal cord injury patients who’d been prescribed opioids were more likely to feel pain a year after their injuries. Jennifer Bush, presenting author and medical student at the McGovern Medical School of the University of Texas Health Science Center, stated that opioids are a common form of pain management for these kinds of patients. “However, studies of animals with spinal cord…

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Using medical cannabis to alleviate the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease or numb the pain that comes with PMS is one thing. Smoking weed everyday for kicks is another thing entirely. The number of young Americans who use marijuana on an everyday basis has reportedly reached a record high, according to an article in The Nation’s Health. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) released the results of its nationwide survey on September 2017. According to its survey, 7.8 percent of all college and non-college adults use marijuana at least once a day. That’s the highest it has gotten since the 1980s.…

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WASHINGTON, D.C., May 31, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The Trump administration is investigating Hawaii and California for forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion, according to a new report. (Article by Calvin Freiburger republished from LifeSiteNews) The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights has sent letters to both states notifying them of the investigations. The letters say the government is looking into whether their requirements that crisis pregnancy centers inform women how to obtain government assistance for abortions violate federal civil rights rules, the Wall Street Journal reports. HHS is also examining California’s mandate that most health insurance plans…

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What the humble cumin lacks in appearance it more than makes up for it in its princely health benefits. The spice is one of the more popular natural remedies in Ayurvedic medicine and is used quite often in many Indian, Asian and Mexican cuisines. The taste of the condiment is quite strong — chefs recommend only using a small amount to flavor any dish. Yet its popularity is not really due to its culinary use but in its ability to flood the body with important phytochemicals that keep our bodies strong. Do you know that cumin contains 18 amino acids?…

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